Friday, May 16, 2008

Good or bad day? U decide...

Haiz hey people. Today was a soso day for me i guess

In the morning I had Physics SPA. I was so scared that i could not finish. HAHA and gues what, Sze How totally freaked out again. EXTREME FREAK OUT! He hadn't even drawn his graph wif 3 minutes left on the clock!!!!
What a joker.

Then there was the CO Farewell Bash for the JC2s. It was a bit disappointing that quite a few of the JC2s could could make it cause of Pre-U Sem. However, there were the exco who livened like the spirit, Such as Amanda, Wei lin, Yuping and Audrey...... The jC1s were equally enthu as well. Everybody turned up =) And woah, te cake was simply magnificent, it was definitely worth the heavy price tag. Hope u all enjoyed the gifts as well as the bash.
Well, the bad things i tell u all next time!!!


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