Sunday, March 16, 2008

After a Long Long Hiatus... (:

Hahas its been already like wat 5 months already plus since my last blog update.

Here is a brief outlinre of what i've been up to throughout this time!!!

JaN '08
Whoo wee!!! A new school a new atart and many many new friends to be made!!

AQuila 8- Yue ying, Samuel, Dwayne, Heda, Alicia, Shikin Brenda, Weiling, Esther... the list goes on and on..... (:
U guys were one of the 'craziest' bunch of people u noe?! Hahas i still fondly remember that we were already like best buddies , going out for lunch and all the other stuff right on the first day!!! I enjoyed myself immensely for the short short period of time we were together. :)
But u noe even if u would have loved to stay in the same the same OG throughout your PAE life, things just don't happen the way u want them to be.....

So when we found out that we would all be going to diferent classes on the day of the subject posting, i was so full of apphrehension... What would the class be like?? Would they be boring or mugger like people?? ( Sorry guys !! But this was my heartfelt feelings at that time....)

However, I was proven wrong. So so very wrong, in fact they are just like brothers and sisters to me. I still feel very grateful even up to now for having such close friends in my life. (:

(Hahas ladies and gentilemen, even though this comes very late, i feel that i should type this down...)

Hahas first let me introduce the class:

Latif: Resident funny man of the class. Always combines with jeremy, nithin, and weixiong to create hilarious and comical scenes that leaves us roaring in laughter.

Denise: A kind and caring girl that everybody loves to talk to. One of the most enthusiastic girls I've known so far. And i will never forget the hard work she did for preparing the Sentosa Outing.* (see Sentosa Outing Post). One of my best friends! Loves Japanese too!! member of the '4HL'!!! =)

Xing Yun: A 'tough' and 'aggressive' girl on the outside but on the inside, she's actually a kind and sprited girl that does not get easily weighed down by difficultes. One of my best friends! Loves watching anime!! Member of the '4HL'!!

Emeline: The dancer in our class. She has been dancing ballet for a long long time. She's very tall too... as tall as most of the guys in the class. (: ONe of my best friends! Member of the '4HL'!!!

Donovan: A good friend from my class in Sec 2 to 3 to 4 and now in my PAE class... Joker who likes to mess around with marcus.. Marsist rules !!

Jin Wen: A tall lanky dude from Bowen Sec. Funny guy and always messes around with us. (:

Shaun: One of my first friends in 1S02. From ACS Barker. Quiet but helpful guy. :)

Matthew: One of my best friends throughout this period of time. An SJI dude that has a cheery deposition most of the time unless he's really really hurt or disapointed by something...... Stay strong dude!!

Marcus: The ultimate 'joker' in class. Cause whatever joke he's making it will take us 5 to 15 seconds to fully understand what it actually means. Always at loggerheads with either Xing Yun or Wei Yang. You could say thats these arguments bring out the life in the class so I have to thank you Marcus for that. A japanese lover and tries to teach us bits and snippets of japanese everytime we try to say something in Jap. Hey u know, he's taking KI in AJC now..... a pro in english as well. (: HAHAS not to forgot my good buddy too!!!

Mahshuk: A cool guy from temasek Sec who loves to play soccer. Fun to talk to and very amicable. (:

Nikita: A nice girl who likes to contribute in class. A very good speaker too! Hahah!! (=

Rebecca: Another one of the most enthusiastic girls I know. I will always remember the time when you suddenly sprung out and led all of us into a cheer which was very brave at that time. A fun and cheerful SJC girl who loves to give dumb blonde jokes which never fails to leave matthew marcus tim weiyang and me 'froen solid'. :D

Phoebe: A fantastic piano player who will be taking the Grade 8 exam very very soon. Has a cool deameour around her as well.

Wan Ting: A very bubbly and 'full of excitement' girl. However, she regularly fails to return smses that we send to her. HAHAs but its ok. (: A member of the '4HLS' too!!!

Weixiong: Bloody Joker in class and he's so very fit!!! canoeing dude. Cool guy!

Nithin: A 'faggot' (kidding) that I'll always remember as the guy who got so drunk in sentosa over a cup of vodka that he was singing 'row row row your boat' like a drunkard too! a cool guy that can play drums!! Yeah....

Wei Yang: One of me best buddies of 1S02. Always arguing with Marcus incessantly.... Has been feeling emo for the last few weeks because of.... But he's a cool guy thats loves Yui's songs as well as his canoeing cca too!!

Wan QIn: Nice to talk to.

Chun Jie: One of my best buds too from this class!! The Master and creator of the 'Chun Jie' move, and i think wei yang , matthew, marcus , timothy, and me are his disiples!!! HAHAX but actually he is a cool dude who likes to helps others. Now waiting to enter temasek poly....

Timothy: My best buddy of 1S02. i can relate to him most because he's experiencing something that i'm going through as well.... But hey! Both of us are rebellious guys who just like to stay out late just for the like of it. HAHAS. His hobby is emoing which is fast becoming mine... only that mine has music included... (: Hahas but truly a dude that i can really relate to.... hahas in cjc now and in the same class with my sec 4 classmate.... Hahas the world has suddenly become so so small..... (: just celebrated his birthday last tuesday!!! Hope u like your present tim!!! (:

OK i gtg... but wait for my lastest post!!!!!! Cheerios!!!! (:

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