Monday, March 17, 2008

081S05!!!!! Miranda 2 & my life in mjc

Hahas today i'll talk more about my class in MJC... THat is the 081S05 dudes and gals!!

Hahas let me introduce them to u: (:

Michelle Aw: A nice and cheerful girl from Xinmin Sec and her best friend in class in Hui Min whom i think is also from the same school? ( correct me if i'm wrong!!!)

Hui Min: Michelle Aw best friend. Always together with her. Quite amicable with everyone. Cheers!!!

Angeline: She' from Gan Eng Seng secondary.... which i guess is super far far away from here in MJC sia. Has a twin sister too!!!! Cool sia! (: Best Friends with Yi Hui!! The GP rep as well!

Yi Hui: Our fun and very hyperactive Vice-chairperson. Yea and she keeps on laughing and laughing non stop over some out of this world joke that i don't even understand at all..... LOLS!!!! Founder of the unofficial Laughter club in class..... which has one other member. But under all this she's actually a nice and demure girl.... HAHAHS!!

Jade: OUr class resident dancer..... and she is extremely extremely tallllllll!!!!!!!!! HAHAs and she has an email that she reckons is totally disgraceful and so malu but HEy!!!! Mine is so much more malu la!!!!!!(: Shes also has a nickname which i shall not reveal for my own safety reasons (lest i get so injured i cannot even study) and she is the Physics rep as well. A cool girl to mix around with!!! :D

Michelle Yap: One of the most enthu persons in class and also one of the first few to interact with the class!! a smart girl who likes to MUG!!!!! hahas just kidding!!! but her nickname has already stuck on to her like super glue..... A pro in Econs as well too!! everybody in class believes that she will top the class for the mid yrs and i'm sure she'll be the one to do it... JiaYous!!! The class chem and maths rep tooooo!!!! Multitasker!! =P

This are what i know about the girls in my class up to now.... Hahaas but i'm sure i will have more things to talk about them soon!!!!!(:

OK i Gtg now..... Next up is the guys... All 16 of them !!!! Cheerios!!

Gambatte Nei!!!!

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