Saturday, June 21, 2008

Long Week......

Its been a long week......

went to study with wayne, tim, marcus, emeline and rebecca.... which was really surprising.. =)
went to amk library first.... studied there till 12 then went to the mac opp peace clinic for lunch.... then mugged there till 5 b4 i went home to cook dinner....

ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo ohayo

Then i asked grace to come to my house on friday to study with me....
I"m surprised she said yes....
whahaha and she was so smart, she could almost find my block.....
Hahaas it was funny i gotta admit.... =)
studied physics first , then maths econs with her...
stuied frm 9 all e way to 6....
learnt more about her too =)

but now i'm stressed cos she knows more than me.... my myrs sure will get v low one lars..... JY grace!!!!! can do it one!!! =)

HAHAHAS i'm lucky nobody has tagged me with the quizzes!!!!! i'm so lucky!!! =)

"Suki da yo?" out at 9.22pm

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Topsy Turvy....

I don't noe how to say this...... but i think i'm going to fail my mid yrs... seriously....

watched kung fu panda again on sunday. not as funny as the first time....

then spent ytd going to school for econs tutorial... then physics consultation.... think i will seriously do bad for both...

Sorry if this post seems very sombre and dull....

Its just that things have been so bad.... I really really feel like crying..................

Later still going to school to take photo to put outside general office........

Then i'm not sure whether i'm still going out to study with weiyang and denise they all....... Haiz.....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Airport study =)

Friday went to study with grace at changi airport...
supposed to meet her at 9 at tanah merah mrt..
But she came only at 10, cos she woke up late ( but its ok cos her alarm spoiled) =)... Don't be sry ba...

Then the 2 of us went to the viewing gallery in Terminal 3 where we started studying physics till 1... where we went for lunch at terminal 3 mac.
We stayed at mac doing physics till 5.30...
I found myself quite productive... but grace was better... pei fu! =)
I learnt quite a bit too..... =)
looking forward to the next study session with her... =)

knocked out at 12.18am. =)

2nd day madness

I noe that i'm taking damn long to type abt the chalet..... but its just that i have too much to talk about.... and i will take the photos from denise asap. =)

Cont from previously.....

After the girls did all the preparations for the bbq.... we decided to head back to Escape... to sit the Inverter.... It was the craziest of the rides we have all sat.... not the rides fault... just that we were all sot in the brain. =)
After the first time where they all sat cept for me, tim and matt, they all came down with silly grins plastered on their faces...
We then went to the arcade where we played time crisis, outrun and basketball.... same old same old .=)

Then came the main event of the chalet..... The BBQ!!!!!!! =)

Phoebe, Dono and chunjie(cj) joined us at around 7.
We had lotsa food to go around..... chicken wings, hotdogs, crabstick, stingray, satay, corn.... so much till we had to play games like 'i have never' and 'i have' to finish the food.
Then me, wei yang, and marcus went to get a cake for xing yun on the pretext of getting a bottle of drink... hahas we had to light up the candle in the toilet as well.... hahah i'm glad for xingyun, after seeing her smile =)

Maximum Umai!!!!

BUT so sad i had to leave after the bbq... cos my mum had to go for an op the next day... and i had to be with her.
Thanks u all for wishing my mum well.... really appreciate it... thanks!

The chalet was fun and enjoyable.... loved it... Thanks denise for organising it... Gd job!!!! =D
Well i will upload all the pics asap.... Ciao!!!!

The 2nd Day Mayhem!!!!!

HAHAHS let me continue wih the 2nd day stuff....... =)

We went to Mac for breakfast at 6 in the morning.
Had a 2 dollars meal.....
Funny thing was denise didn't believe there was a $2 meal n asked me to order first......and immediately after that... she said " Same thing!!!" LOLS!

Then we went back to the room where -ahem- more secrets were spilled out till abt 10 plus..... ( cos it was raining damn heavily and it only stopped around that time.. )
Went to Escape then to sit this...... spinnng pod thingy( any names guys?)....
Me matt and eme were the first to sit there.... and then the ride felt kinda slow, and almost too fast.... so we sat again.... Damn.... turned out that first ride was actually a test run... Kenna cheated =(

Throughout all the rides we were all making weird noises..... screaming our heads off... like we were totally mental... BuHWAHWAHWA!!!

Sry.... still a bit cranky. =)

Rides that we sat:
Rainbow: We were all singing 'somewhere over the raninbow' and me and tim ended up squashing each other... Ouch!!!
Haunted House ( even though thats not a ride..): Hahah it was ok, even though denise was spooked at first... cos the guide was busy disturbing her..... hahas. Tim and I, bringing up the rear, wanted to exact 'revenge' on the guide, but she suddenly sped up and went to the front. lol
Pirate Ship: This was one of the craziest ones for us.... we totally loved it! ( esp matt, wei yang, and wan ting.)
WOAH!!!! Seriously the guys suddenly turned into girls..... at least for matt and wei yang.... giving a helluva scream that caused me and denise to cringe n pain... not funny u dudes... even with the 'i feel my balls' thing! LOL
Sat that twice and sudddenly came down damn dizzy and giddy.... must be from that lack of sleep.... and wei yabg stomachache came back after that....

Decided to go to the food court to packet lunch......
Went back where all the guys conked out cept me and tim, while the girls decided to go marinate the chicken for the bbq at night..... woah i tell u.... It sure was messy.... with it being in the toilet.... hahas!
Heard that they dropped a chicken wing in the toilet bowl and were repeatedly flushing it down.
But they did a good job. Nice one =)
There'll be more coming soon =) post it up later=) CIAO!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hurrah!!! The 1S02 gang reunites!!!!!

Hahahs!!!! As my title suggests, my PAE class has met up together again. =)
Me, Denise, Xing Yun, Emeline, Wan Ting, Timothy, Marcus, Wei Yang and Matthew......

The chalet was from tuesday all the way to thursday(ytd).
HAHAS. Let me recount what happened during the chalet... =)

went to downtown east bk to supposedly have lunch with timothy.
but when i got there wei yang, matt, marcus and xing yun were there too.
we ended up eating subway..
Then we realised emeline would only be here with her mum at around 3 plus only....... =X
So we trooped all the way to the NTUC at E! Hub to get all e bbq materials,
ended up paying a bit..

Then went over to the check in counter to wait for emeline.
Just nice, Denise called me to come fetch her from the bus stop.
Then we waited 20 minutes more for emeline before she came with her mum and her brother.
Went over to say hello. =D

In the chalet, we slacked around....... till denise had to leave at 4.45 for canoeing, and wei yang at 5 plus for lifesaving course. Xing yun, matt, tim, eme, marcus and me went over to E! Hub to roam around and have dinner too.
me and tim ended up playing outrun again ( sorry wei yang!!!!!!!)
Then we bought movie tix for kung fu panda, then we learnt that denise had alr watched it on sunday =-(
we all paid one buck each for her tix.
but b4 that we were all playing Truth or Dare. Marcus was made butt of all the jokes again, ( arguing will all the girls, and always ending up always ject.. =) )
Wan Ting came around 9 o clock (YAY!)...... and all the horny qns came like an avalaunche.... =D

Went to catch movie at 12.30am.
Wei yang was not feeling well and was extremely tired.... He started sleeping halfway through the movie, with me slaping him to wake him up during all the funny parts.
I was laughing like I was sot in the brain.... too high sia and the movie was damn funny =)
the movie ended at 2.30 plus and we went back to the chalet room to go back into 'truth and truth' .LOLS!
Slowly, Wei Yang and Tim slept first, the eme, wanting, xing yun drifted off to slp..... while me and matt were telling ghost stories. =)
Then there were 4..... Me, denise, Marcus and matthew.
Marcus was kinda silent lying next to a sleeping Tim, while denise, me and Matt settled into talking about eye candy, crushes, and infatuations. I kinda knew a bit more now then before =)

Then we let denise sleep, while i gave up my place on the bed so that Xing Yun could sleep better.
I lay on the floor and tried to sleep. Managed to get 15 minutes of sleep.
Then Weixiong came back to the room to grab all his stuff before sending off his gf home.
He woke up emeline, who ended talking to the 2 unable-to-sleep M.Lims.

I slept a while more before we all woke up at 6 in the morning for breakfast at Mac.

HAHAHS that was a long post. I'll talk abt the 2nd day later!!!! CIAO!!!!!

Hurrah!!! The 1S02 gang reunites!!!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Long Time no see!!!! =)

Hey its been a while.... yups! =)

Firstly, went out to meet denise, tim and marcus on monday to plan n finalise the details for the Chalet on the 10th.
Hahas Finally saw denise after a long long time. It was like 2 and a half months? LOLs. She has gotten tanner and fitter. Must be all that canoeing sia! =)
We discussed the chalet stuff over dinner at Plaza Sing. Ended up at the small space outside PC Bunk. we decided to buy a lot of food stuff for the chalet. BBQ stingray, chicken wings.... yumyum!!!
I'm so looking forward to going for the chalet on tuesday =)

will be posting more in a short short while! Ciao!